First ever Rock Auction includes music memorabilia and more!

Bid or donate now and help us rock in 2019!

“Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It's transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certain things happened in your life. It's uplifting, it's encouraging, it's strengthening.” 
- Aretha Franklin

Since its inception in 2009, Law Rocks has toured 18 cities around the globe raising over $2.5 million for over 100 different charities. We couldn’t have done it without your support. While most of our fundraising is done through our epic battle of the band events, most of that money pays for the show itself or is given directly to the individual charities. Therefore, once per year, we ask our friends and fans to support the Law Rocks organization (itself a 501c3 charity). To that end, for the first time ever, we are holding a Rock Auction consisting of items kindly donated by some of our friends in the music industry. Hopefully an item will catch your eye. However, if not, we hope you will still consider making a donation to Law Rocks. Any amount is hugely appreciated.

Your generous contribution enables Law Rocks to:

  • Expand our global footprint by venturing to new cities around the world. On our upcoming tour, we are bringing Law Rocks to 4 new cities including Chicago, Houston, Buenos Aires, and Rome. For every new show, deposits must be made and marketing dollars expended.

  • Defray our minimal operating expenses, ensuring maximum funds go to local nonprofits. Our goal is to donate over $320,000 to local non-profits this year (an increase of 20%).

  • Expand our team. Law Rocks currently only has one employee (part-time at that) who handles all of our administrative and marketing needs. Our goal is to add an additional member to our team with the focus of increasing tour sponsors. The ultimate vision is for tour sponsors to cover all of Law Rock’s operating expenses thus allowing every dollar raised at our events to be donated.

Donations can be made by clicking the “Donate” button on the top right corner of the auction page.